Lavender Earl Grey Soothing Sugar Scrub

Lavender Earl Grey Soothing Sugar Scrub

Since this month is all about mom and Spring, we want to focus on just that! Our Lavender Earl Grey Soothing Sugar Scrub will have you and your mom in pampered bliss! 

Here's what you'll need:

  • 6 tsp Truly Teas Lavender Earl Grey tea
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1 air tight jar (I use a small Mason jar)
  • *Optional* you can add more lavender buds and or lavender essential oil for a stronger lavender scent. 


  1. Place tea and sugar in a small mixing bowl and mix together.
  2. If your coconut oil is not in liquid form place in separate bowl and microwave in 15 second intervals unit it becomes a liquid. 
  3. *Optional* add the lavender buds and or lavender essential oil.
  4. Lastly, add the liquified coconut oil into the sugar and tea mix and stir to fully combine and enjoy!
  5. You can easily add our Lavender Earl Grey tea to your cart by clicking the link below.


  • Store sugar scrub in a tightly sealed jar to prevent it from becoming crumbly. If this were to happen place tightly sealed jar into warm water and let it warm up. 

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